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Long term effects of xenophobia

My young son was scootering next to me as I walked the dog around our local high school. We saw a white woman around the corner walking, so we paused to see if she was going straight or was going to turn towards us. She saw us waiting on the sidewalk from around the corner, put her white cloth face mask on her face, and started screaming at us: "Why can't you move?! Get out of the way!!!"

She screamed over and over again. I am shocked and moved to the side while she came right at us. My son was scared, so he remained in the middle of the sidewalk on his scooter. I yelled at him to move away from her. She then screamed at him, looming over him inches from his face, "Get out of my way! You people need to move!! Get out of my way! Why can't you get out of my way!!"

I was scared and shocked and tried to make sure she wouldn’t touch him. He moved towards me, and we quickly turned around the corner. She followed us back around the corner and continued to scream and yell at us. I wanted to pull out my phone to video tape her, but was afraid she would attack me.

She yelled at us at the top of her lungs, inches away from us, in the middle of a pandemic. She unleashed all her anger on my son. He was terrified and crying, saying he was trying to get away from her.

It's been 6 weeks now, and I still have PTSD that I am seeking therapy and anxiety medicine for this as a result. For a while, I was scared to leave my house without my husband at my side. This was racially motivated... her thinking that "us people should MOVE.”

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.